Baku Marked 106th Anniversary Of Liberation Of City

Today in Azerbaijan, the 106th anniversary of the liberation of Baku from the Armenian gangs and the Bolshevik formations of the Caucasian Islamic army is celebrated.

on the occasion of a significant date near the monument to the Turkish soldiers on the Alley of the Shehids in Baku, a ceremony was held.

The event was attended by Turkish Ambassador to Baku Jahit Bagdzhi, the military attache of Turkey in Azerbaijan Gaffar Göhn, the head of the representative office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRK) TRK in Azerbaijan Ufuk Turganer, advisers to the Turkish Embassy, ​​representatives of Turkish institutions and organizations, representatives of the Turkish and organizations, representatives Azerbaijani veterans and ordinary citizens.

The state hymns of Turkey and Azerbaijan were sounded ..

The participants in the ceremony laid wreaths at the memorial.

Ambassador Jahit Bagji left an entry in the memorial book of the complex.

The head of the diplomatic mission and the faces accompanying him also honored the memory of the victims of the tragedy on January 20.

On September 15, 1918, the army under the command of Nuri Pasha Killigil freed Baku, which allowed the young Azerbaijani government to move from Ganja, where it met after May 28, 1918.

Azerbaijanis today with respect and gratitude honor the memory of the heroes of the Turkish army and Nuri-Pasha Killigil, who hastened to the fraternal people 106 years ago.

Having proclaimed independence on May 28, 1918, Azerbaijan signed the first agreement with the Ottoman state.

The Caucasian Islamic Army lost 1130 soldiers during military operations carried out in the name of the liberation of Baku.