Baku transport workers turned to car owners

In accordance with the relevant decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 19, 2021, working days were changed on May 12 and weekends on May 16. As noted in the same resolution, on May 16, from 06:00, public transport will be resumed.

As reported by in the press service of BTA, all carriers are also charged with serving passengers of buses on regular and express route lines from 06:00 am on May 16.

Given that since May 17, a full-time education will be partially restored in educational institutions, the emergence of clusters of people on the streets and prospects, especially before educational institutions. For this reason, traffic participants must be understood, strictly follow the rules of the road, in particular the requirements of bus bandages, stop rules, parking and parking.

In the current pandemic, the creation of conditions for the free movement of buses on regular and express lines is of particular importance.

We ask parents who are carrying their children to school on personal transport, to park their cars near educational institutions in a banned place and not to interfere with other participants in the movement. These actions not only create administrative responsibility, but also lead to artificial road seal. As a result, other participants in motion, and the main users of public transport, including teachers, get to work late. Relevant measures are taken to adjust the number of buses, daily overlooking the line, in accordance with the likely increase in passenger demand, as well as to attract reserve buses in peak hours, “says BTA.