In Istanbul, the European Mineral Championship was held, organized by the Balkan motorcycle federation (BMF).
As reported in a statement by the Turkish motorcycle sport Federation, the competition took place on the Yedepetepa highway in Chatalja.
The competitions dedicated to the memory of Engin Kyra were held in two stages. The Turkish team took first place, Bulgaria – the second, and Romania – the third.
In the MX class, the first place was taken by Shakir Shenkalaija (SS100), the second – Murat Bashterzi (SS100), the third – Zoran Karansfilovsky (Mk Motori).
In the 85CC class, the second place was taken by the Ephe Okur, in the MX class, Shakir Shenkalaida won the second place, and the third – Murat Basteri. Thus, Shakir Shenkalaija and Murat Basteri ended the season in the second and third places, respectively.
The fourth stage of the Turkish in Kayo Motokossa championship was also held on the same highway. In the MX class, the first place was taken by Shakir Shenkalaija (SS100), the second was Murat Bashterzi (SS100), the third was Erai Socialistry (SS100).
The winners and winners were awarded the Cups that they were handed to the mayor of Chatalji Erhan Guseel and the president of the Turkish motorcycle sport Federation Sadyk Veph.