Baltic countries have joined G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

Estonian Prime Ministers Kai Callas, Latvia Krosheanis Karinsh and Lithuania Ingrid Shinonit announced the joining of the declaration of the Big Seven countries (G-7) about supporting security guarantees for Ukraine.

“We will work with Ukraine within the framework of this international framework to create security obligations and mechanisms that will help Ukraine as soon as possible to defeat this war, maintain economic stability and restoration, ensure the implementation of reforms, stability and promotion in its European and the Euro -Atlantic way, ”the Baltic States of the countries of the countries said in a joint statement.

The statement notes that the struggle of Ukraine against the Russian Federation helps to protect Euro -Atlantic security and international order.

The Heads of Government promise to support Ukraine before Victory and participate in international efforts to protect its independence, democracy and well -being, as well as prosecution of aggression guilty of a crime.

At the same time, the prime ministers are convinced that only NATO membership will provide Ukraine with security guarantees and a reliable restraint tool in order to “prevent the new aggression of the Russian Federation.” They noted that they will continue the firm support of Ukraine so that it becomes a member of the Alliance as soon as possible.

The premieres of the Baltic countries also promised to cooperate with Ukraine on its way to the European Union and hope for the beginning of negotiations on the entry in 2023 after the corresponding assessment of the European Commission.

“Strong, independent and prosperous Ukraine, fully integrated into the Euro -Atlantic family, is extremely important for European security,” the joint statement said.