Bank of Republic on New Year’s Eve fulfilled desires of low -income families in Nakhchivan

Bank of the Republic, one of the leading banks of Azerbaijan, regularly implementing social projects in the country, as part of a self -employment program in order to improve social support for poor families continues to support vulnerable population groups that want to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

This time, before the New Year, the bank fulfilled the desire for low -income families living in the Sharurian and Ordubad regions of Nakhchyan. Thus, the bank provided for free to citizens who want to engage in entrepreneurship, incubator for broilers, car mechanic equipment, as well as livestock and food for the creation of livestock farms, thereby stimulating them to start entrepreneurial activity.

, as part of the self -employment project, the Republic Bank has already provided assets for more than 100 unemployed, disabled people, families of the Shahids and war veterans in the regions of the country, as well as in Baku. The project was carried out within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Central Bank of Azerbaijan and the Association of Azerbaijan banks to provide assistance in organizing the self -employment of vulnerable groups of the population.

more detailed information can be obtained on the bank’s official website, on the pages of the bank on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or or by calling Call Center Bank for number 144.