Barack Obama stated “Saying Democratic Party of parasite”

Former US President Barack Obama called the “hedied the democratic party parasite.” This was stated by Journalist Edward Isaac Dube in his book Battle for the Soul: Inside The Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Trump (“Battle of the Soul: Inside the Campaign of Democrats for the destruction of Trump”), transfers Fox News.

The book says that Obama has gone out money and people from the party for her election campaign in 2012. The journalist called such actions of the former president “theft of talents, money, resources and goals.”

According to the brief, politician brought big losses and losses. In eight years, his power Democrats lost 947 seats in the state legislatures, 63 places in the House of Representatives, 11 senatorial and 13 gubernatorial positions. The journalist recalled that in 2014 the Republicans received control over the Senate, and the Chamber of Representatives, and the president could not help strengthen the positions of the Democrats.

The author concluded that Obama never invested in the party and did not care about her members, with the exception of several politicians who were interested in his politicians. He called arrogant and self-confident statements of the former leader on easy re-election for a third term in the event of such a legal opportunity. Dove noted that Obama would continue to dig resources from his party and increase its debts.

May 20 became known that Obama in private conversations exposed the tough criticism of his successor as the head of the state of Donald Trump and called him a “racist pig”.