Baykar, the leading Turkish manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, and the Italian Leonardo, one of the largest European defense companies, signed an agreement on cooperation in unmanned technologies.
Signatures under the document in the Leonardo head office in Rome, the capital of Italy was set by Leonardo General Roberto Chingolani, chairman of the Baykar Board of Directors Selchuk Bayraktar and Baykar Director General Haluk Bayractar.
Cengolani, Selchuk Bayractar and Haluk Bayraktar, after signing the agreement, took part in a joint press conference in the office of the Rome Foreign Press Association.
“Today is a very important day. We sign a memorandum of understanding with Baykar. Together with our colleagues from Baykar, they identified important cornerstones,” said the head of the Italian company.
Gengolani attracted attention to the fact that the agreement has become the result of intensive work, which lasted over the past five months. The entrepreneur said that the agreement is designed for five years, but provides for deeper cooperation. “This is a great result,” said Gengolani.
The head of the European company noted that visiting Istanbul enterprises Baykar made a great impression on him. Baykar has a very large family of unmanned aerial vehicles, he added.
“He conducted intensive negotiations for several months. We have already worked with Leonardo. There are systems that we integrated. We have already cooperated. Chemistry and synergy in recent months have been just amazing,” said Selchuk Bayrabar.
He added that both companies have complementary characteristics: “We can create the best systems together. We thank them for their cooperation. It is very happy to start this path together.”
Meanwhile, it is reported that the production in the framework of the partnership of the two companies will be carried out in Turkey and Italy. Baykar and Leonardo expect that the market for unmanned aircraft in Europe will reach $ 100 billion in the next 10 years.