Belarus and kingdom of Esvatini established diplomatic relations

The Republic of Belarus and the kingdom of Esvatini established diplomatic relations.

According to the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, on the eve of Praetoria a joint community on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Belarus and Esvatini was signed in a solemn setting.

The Ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of Belarus to South Africa Igor Bely and the high commissar of Embassy of Esvatini in South Africa Lindiva Kunen.

“This event opens up opportunities for the development of the entire set of relations between the two countries in the field of political dialogue, promotion of trade and economic cooperation, establishing ties in the field of education, healthcare, science and technology, and cultural exchange,” the foreign policy of Belarus said.

The Foreign Ministry noted that work in certain areas of cooperation between the two countries is already being carried out, there is a mutual interest in the formation of the contractual base of Belarusian-Esvatinsky relations.

The leaders of the diplomatic media discussed further practical steps to develop bilateral interaction, follows from the message.

“For a long time, Esvatini remained in the extremely short list of countries that did not have diplomatic relations with Belarus. Changing the international and regional situation, as well as by Belarusian diplomacy, active actions to promote the idea of ​​mutually beneficial cooperation between African partners with our country amid non -colonel approaches International players are convinced by an increasing number of leaders of Africa’s states of the promise of the development of relations with Belarus, ”the department emphasized.