Belousov: Russian Federation And Belarus Continue To Actively Strengthen Military Cooperation

Changes in the military-political situation determined the need to clarify the foundations of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence. The Moscow policy adapted to the new realities provides for the possibility of using nuclear weapons in response to aggression against Belarus as a participant in the Union State. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov, speaking at a meeting of the joint collegium of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and Belarus, which takes place in Minsk.

Belousov noted that the Russian Federation and Belarus continue to actively strengthen military cooperation between the two countries

“This is especially important in conditions of open pressure from the collective West. And NATO hostile activities among the borders of the Union State. This year, the NATO have conducted a series of the largest exercises since the Cold War, which worked out scenarios of a full -scale conflict with Russia and its allies. The number of coalition forces of the alliance is increasing.

According to him, the growth of the involvement of Western countries in conflict in Ukraine creates global risks. “The desire to cause maximum damage to Russia can lead to a direct military clash of nuclear powers. We cannot but react to these threats. Changes in the military-political situation determined the need to clarify the foundations of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence. And adapting it to new realities. including – the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons in response to aggression against Belarus as a participant in the Union State is provided, ”said Belousov.

Currently, the preparation of an agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on warranty warranties is being completed. And the new concept of the security of Russia and Belarus, ”he added.

In addition, Belousov said that next year Russia and Belarus will conduct joint strategic exercises “West”.

“At the heart of the plan for working out the tasks by the troops, modern threats for Russia and Belarus, as well as the emerging situation are taken into account. Including in the” Special Military Operation, “, – he said.