30-year-old Zheng Tao, known as the “Bezless Swimmer”, became the world celebrity and the national hero of China, won four gold medals in the Paralympicide in Tokyo at once: in the swims of 50 meters by Batterfly, 50 meters freestyle and 50 meters on the back, as well as in the 4×50 meter relay, freestyle. It is reported by the Russian BBC service.
Three Customized Victories Tao also became world records for athletes with disabilities.
Zheng Tao in early childhood lost both hands as a result of shock.
Gold medal in a 50-meter swim swim in Zheng Tao won, caused a special delight in Chinese social networks, because it was 500th for the participation of the PRC in the summer paralympias, starting from the 1984 games in New York. “I gave all my strength because it was my last performance on Paralympicade-2020. This is one of the best swims in my life!” – Tao said to journalists after the competition.
Zheng Tao participated in Paralympiads in London (2012) and Rio de Janeiro (2016), won one gold in discipline 100 meters on the back. In total, he owns nine paralympic awards.