Bloomberg: Flashes in sun will cause a catastrophe on Earth already in 2025

Last year, the Sun entered into a new 11-year cycle of activity, which will reach his peak in 2025. According to experts, there is a direct threat to the world, which has become much more dependent on technology since the severe geomagnetic storm, which occurred almost two decades ago. This is stated in the new article Bloomberg.

Special Assistant American President Joe Bayiden and Member of the National Security Council Catelin Dukovich warned about an impending disaster during a special conference last month. According to her, space weather is not some kind of “Hollywood fiction.”

The report states that the US electricity sector plans to spend about $ 27 billion to protect the infrastructure vulnerable. In particular, we are talking about the wider use of non-magnetic steel in transformers and the installation of more overvoltage protection devices on the network. Part of the funds will also guide the improvement of the process of forecasting new outbreaks in the sun.

According to experts, the disconnection of electricity as a result of a storm in a magnetic field of the Earth can be raised by 66% of the US population, and economic losses can be $ 41.5 billion per day. Critical failures in the work of satellites are of particular alarming, since unmanned cars and aircraft depend on them. Even minor solar storms 2015-2017 have a detrimental effect on the development of cataracts at the pilots and the level of miscarriages in the female part of the crews.