Brazil chooses president, and supporters of candidates grab onto weapons

In Brazil on October 30, the second round of the presidential election takes place. According to most polls, the right -wing President Zhair Bolsonaru reduced the small advantage of the left -wing applicant Luis Inasio Lula da Silva, writes the Russian -speaking Israeli edition of Details.

Polls conducted by Datafolha and Quaest showed that Lula is gaining 52% of the vote against 48% per Bolsonar, this is 6 percentage points less than three days ago, and puts the current president in the immediate vicinity of victory. A poll conducted by MDA showed that the advantage of Lula was reduced to only 2 percentage points, which corresponds to the limit of the survey error.

According to most polls, the Lula is still a favorite, albeit with a minimal advantage. Many analysts say that the result of the elections can turn out to be any.

Bolsonaru completed his campaign in the key state of Minas-Zhirace, leading a motorized run with his supporters. Lula passed with thousands of supporters along one of the main avenues of San Paulo after he told foreign journalists that his rival is not suitable for managing the country.

During the first debate this month, Lula accused Bolsonar of that he could not cope with Pandemia, from which almost 700,000 Brazilians died, Bolsonar in response reminded of the scandals related to corruption, which soaked the reputation of the Lula’s working party.

The election campaign was accompanied by numerous incidents of violence, the Israeli edition notes. A week ago, one of the allies of Bolsonaru opened fire on federal police officers who arrived for his arrest. Lula periodically received threats of attack, and his election headquarters called him to put on bulletproof vests at public events – especially after the Bolsonar fan killed Lula’s supporter because of political disagreements, and the Bolsonar armed supporters threatened two prominent left -wing politicians.

One of the closest associates of Bolsonaru, Congresswomen Karl Zambelli, drove the supporter of Lula into the restaurant San Paulo under the muzzle of a pistol after a political dispute on the street.