BTA has prepared new proposals: on some roads will be reduced speed

Increasing the level of road safety in the capital is constantly in the focus of state. The goal is to preserve the comfort and health of citizens, minimizing the number of road accidents, told in the press service of BTA.

Given the priorities of the State of Road Safety, as well as the global challenges of the UN Road Safety, prepared proposals to reduce speed limit on some streets and capitals.

According to the proposal, speed limit is planned to be reduced on Khohasan’s roads, Bibi-Eybat, Z, Zapulba, the outer ring road-1, the Baku-Shemach highway, as well as on Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Zii Bonyatova, Michael Usayina, November 8 and Babek . The proposal is sent to the appropriate state institution for coordination.

Note that accidents with transport and pedestrians are most often recorded on the specified roads. With a decrease in the permissible speed limit, the number of road accidents will reduce, as well as the risk of death and injuries of the participants in motion.