BTA solves problems of Baku streets

During last week, the Baku Transport Agency held a number of events in various destinations of urban transport.

BTA-based project was completed by the reconstruction of E.Oruzhalyeva Street in Narimanovsky district. As a result, bandwidth and the level of street availability were increased. Movement from Heydar Aliyev Avenue in the direction of Tabriz Street is unilaterally organized.

In addition, at the intersection of B.Nuriyev streets and E.Suulimanov, changes were made to the work of the traffic light and it was adapted by the vehicle.

Nizaminsky district B. Ruriev and E.An the intersection of Suleimanov’s streets have been made to a temporary traffic plan, which is adapted to the vehicle. Due to this, the road sharia was improved and the level of traffic safety is increased.

To ensure the comfort and safe movement of road participants in 33 streets and prospects, about 200 road signs are installed, and the safety stand is installed on two streets. To reduce the risk of road accidents with pedestrians, pedestrian bands on 12 streets and prospects are updated. On eight streets organized a new pedestrian band.