Burkina-Faso, Mali And Niger Accused Ukraine Of Supporting Terrorism

Burkina-Faso, Mali and Niger accused Ukraine of supporting the “international terrorism”, in particular in the Sachel region. The corresponding accusations of the three countries were made in a letter sent to the UN Security Council.

Uagadugu, Bamako and Niamey in their letter called on the UN Security Council to take measures in relation to Ukraine.

A message of the press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andrei Yusov that the rebels were exploited for the attack on the Russian militarized group Wagner in Mali, shocked the governments of three countries, the letter said.

In addition, the letter draws attention to the support of Ukraine of “international terrorism” in the Sahel region, and the call is also voiced to “take measures against these destructive actions that strengthen terrorist groups in Africa.”

“These actions are also a violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity, a clear attack and support of international terrorism, and are also a clear violation of the relevant international conventions,” the letter said.

Earlier, on July 25-28, clashes in the Tinzauaten area

occurred between the Mali army and the rebels-tires.

It was reported that the Malian army suffered heavy losses, and a large number of prepared fighters from the Wagner group, operating as part of the Mali army, were killed. In particular, Russian telegram channels claimed that about 50 fighters died.

At the same time, the press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Andrei Yusov hinted to provide intelligence support to the rebels-tiegers.