By 2045, population of Germany due to immigration will increase to 85.5 million people

According to experts, the population of Germany will increase by about 1 percent by 2045 and will amount to 85.5 million people at the expense of immigrants arriving in the country.

According to the German Institute for the Development of Buildings, Cities and Spaces (BBSR), it is expected that by 2045 the population of Germany will increase by about 800 thousand people. Thus, it is expected that by 2045 the country’s population will increase by 0.9 percent compared to 2023 and will be 85.5 million people.

Institute claims that an increase in the population will be caused by immigration from the country.

population growth will vary in regions. It is expected that the population of economically strong cities, their environs and many rural areas, especially in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, will continue to grow. The population of structurally weak regions remote from metropolis will continue to contract.

The statement states that the number of pensioners will also grow until 2045, and the population older than the retirement age of 67 years will increase by 13.6 percent to 2045 compared to 2023.

According to this forecast, the population in the age group is 20-67 years, which is defined as a working age, will be reduced by 2 percent.

BBSR Director Peter Yakubovski noted that in the absence of immigration, the German population will be significantly reduced to 2045, since the number of dead will exceed the number of born.