Cabinet Of Ministers Of Lithuania Will Consider Termination Of Customs Contracts With Russian Federation And Belarus

The Lithuanian government on Wednesday, September 25 will decide on the termination of customs cooperation agreements signed with Russia and Belarus almost two decades ago, LRT reports.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the need to dence these agreements is caused by a continuing conflict in Ukraine, since interstate trade and economic cooperation with “aggressors countries” is completely stopped and not possible.

According to the Ministry, since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February 2022, the customs authorities of Lithuania do not cooperate and do not exchange information with the customs services of Russia and Belarus.

However, according to the ministry, the persons selling these countries present the documents issued by their customs authorities as evidence of the legality of trade and compliance with international sanctions.

The agreement with Belarus was signed in Vilnius in July 1996, and with Russia in Moscow in February 1995.

Denunciation of an agreement with Belarus, ratified in September 2000, should be approved by the president and parliament.