Cabinet Of Ministers Of Russian Federation Approved Construction Of Oil Pipeline In Republic Of Congo

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the draft interconnection on the construction of the PuEnt -Nuar – Luget -Maluko -Tresho oil product pipeline in the Republic of Congo, follows from the published order of the Cabinet.

of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is entrusted with the participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to negotiate with the Congolese side and sign a document.

According to the draft agreement, authorized companies responsible for the implementation of the project, from Russia will become OOO STSNEFTEGAZSStroy -Promety, from the Congo – the National Oil Company acting as the customer on the project.

Within a month after signing the interconnection, the company should create a joint venture in which the share of the Russian side will be 90 percent, and Congolese – 10 percent.

Within three months after signing the agreement, the Congo authorities must conclude a concession agreement with the joint venture for the construction and operation of the pipeline for a period of 25 years with a guaranteed pumping tariff that will ensure the loading of the pipeline and ensure the return of investments, the draft agreement says.

The Russian side is obliged to take the supply and logistics of the necessary equipment, materials and specialists for the construction of the oil pipeline, as well as to train Congo citizens for its operation.

The Republic of Congo, in turn, undertakes to free a joint venture from a number of taxes, ensure the safety of work, a special visa regime for employees and prepare the territory for the implementation of the project.