Centcom commander visited two camps in controlled PKK/YPG districts of Syria

The head of the Central Command of the United States (Centcom) General Michael Eric Kurill visited the al -Hol and Rozh camps located in the YPG (Syrian wing PKK – ed.) Syria. These camps also contain militants of another terrorist organization – Deash and their family.

According to the press service of Centcom, the Kurill visited Syria on August 21.

“The commander met with the so-called administrators of Al-Hol and Rozh camps and the persons held there, instructed the” humanitarian situation, efforts to increase camp safety and restoration processes, “the CentCom.

report said

Kurilla said that the command is working on the return of persons in their countries in the camps, which in turn will reduce safety problems in the region.

The commander pointed to cooperation with PKK/YPG terrorists, acting under the sign of the so -called “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDG), and also met with the leaders of this organization.