Central Banks buy all gold of world

World Central Banks purchased 49.7 tons of gold in gold and foreign exchange reserves in November 2022, the World Gold Council (WGC).

According to WGC, in 2022, world official financial institutions bought 673 tons of gold, quoted by WSWS WGC data. About 400 tons were purchased only in the third quarter, which is the largest volume for a three -month period from the moment the quarterly accounting began in 2000.

The People’s Bank of China said that in November, for the first time since 2019, he increased gold reserves, having bought 32 tons of gold in the amount of about $ 1.8 billion. The main buyers in the third quarter were Turkey, Uzbekistan and Qatar.

The Central Bank of Turkey continued to buy gold in November, replenishing its official reserves for another 19 tons, reports Gold Hub.