Baku will take the body of the Mixed Martial Arts Tabriz Ismailov who died in Volgograd. About this in Instagram told the coach in martial arts Ramil Ismailov.
Tragedy occurred on the eve of 7.40 at the 717th kilometer of the R-22 “Caspian” route. The car “Toyota Camry”, in which athletes on mixed martial arts rode from the competition from Tver, jumped into the oncoming record and fell under cement truck under the control of a 51-year driver. Young people rode from a versatile battle tournament, where they took the first team. Prior to the arrival of the ambulance, the winner of the championship of Russia in kickboxing Tabriz Ismailov, Master of Sport and Grappling Coach Amanat Hamzin and Boxing Coach Valery Kostyuk. They were from 24 to 26 years.
The 31-year-old Victor Kostyuk was delivered to the Novoannin CRH, which was driving foreign cars. However, save the master of sports in hand-to-hand combat and the masters of sports at the press lying doctors failed. The Kostyuk brothers also worked as coaches in the Fitness Center “Alex Fitness.”
Tabriz Ismailova remained a small child.
The driver of cement agent was injured in the accident, he was hospitalized in Mikhailovskaya CRH. His condition is assessed as moderate severity.