Chief Traumatologist Ilgar Gasimov: Wars forced doctors to look for new treatments

Today marks World Traumatologist Day. Every year on May 20, the doctors whose activities are associated with traumatology and orthopedics, celebrate their professional holiday – the day of the traumatologist. This profession is worthy of respect, after all, not only health depends on the competent actions of the traumatologist, but also life. Traumatology as a separate area of ​​medicine has become formed in ancient times. This was due to various injuries received by people in everyday life during sports or war. It is based on her basis, another sector of medicine – surgery occurred much later.

The main traumatologist of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Ilgar Gasimov told about the work of a traumatologist’s doctor, about how the work of the orthopedic is associated with a great responsibility, since any error or oversight can cause human disability.

– Tell me, please, what are heavy operations in the field of orthopedics and traumatology?

– spinal surgery. Pelving fractures are also considered very heavy operations. Because there are damage to the internal organs and require an interdisciplinary approach. Included in the number of operations to be carried out together with a common surgeon, urologist. Operations on artificial joints require great accuracy and sensitivity. Traumatology and orthopedics are a very difficult industry. For example, sometimes we consider injuries and deaths caused by road accidents. In Azerbaijan there is a very good law on road traffic, about limiting speed. We have mortality associated with road traffic accidents, should be zero. But, unfortunately, 79 people died in the accident for every 100 thousand people in 2018, in 2019 – 83 people.

– During the conversation, you said “Golden Hour” in traumatology. What is this “Golden Hour”?

– In traumatology, there is the concept of “golden hour”. Golden hour is the term used to designate duration after an injury that allows you to provide first aid in resuscitation. It is believed that intervention during this process with a high probability will prevent the patient’s death. In severe traumatological injuries, a period of time is very important. I want to refer to the participants of the road: inferior the road with emergency medical care. This step you can really save someone’s life.

– experts adhere to this opinion that one of the factors leading to injuries are wars. Do you agree with this?