China Accused Philippines Of Dangerous Maneuvers In South China Sea

The Navy vessels and the Coast Guard of the Philippines approached the dangerous distance to the China research ship in the South China Sea. The Chinese news agency Sinhua reports this with reference to eyewitnesses.

“Hayyang Dici (Oceanic Geologi) -12 research vessel was faced with dangerous maneuvers of the Navy of the Philippines with an installed machine gun and coast guard,” follows the message.

First, the high -speed boat approached the Chinese ship and made a zigzag around it, then the coast guard ship deliberately passed in front of the ship, eyewitnesses noted.

Manerans violate international rules for preventing clashes at sea and threaten the safety of Chinese ships and staff, the Chinese news agency says.

The captain of the Chinese research vessel said that the ship had previously encountered dangerous maneuvers of the Philippines Navy, follows from the message.

It is reported that the Filipino ship turned off the lighting and automatic recognition system, passed by a Chinese ship at a distance of about 300 meters, did not respond to radio calls and did not cut it to the side.

In recent months between the courts belonging to China and the Philippines, in the zones of the dispute about sovereignty in the South China Sea there was tension leading to dangerous rapprochement and clashes.

The South China Sea remains the subject of territorial disputes since the coastal countries have gained independence after the Second World War.

China declares its sovereignty over 80 percent of the water area of ​​the South China Sea in accordance with a map, first published in 1947. Coastal neighboring countries, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia, also claim the rights in the region.