China Concerned In Connection With Decision Of United States To Withdraw From Paris Climate Agreement

China expressed concern in connection with the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Go Zakun, at a regular press conference in Beijing, said that climate change is a common problem of mankind, and not a single country can remain aloof and indifferent to its consequences.

Having expressed the “concern” by the release of the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, the spokeswoman added: “China’s will and determination to respond to climate change has not changed. We are ready to cooperate with all parties in solving the problems associated with climate change, and To promote global “green” and low carbon transformations in the spirit of a community having a common future. “

The 47th US President Donald Trump, who was swore to on January 20, announced the exit from the Paris Climate Agreement, which the United States took part under the former President Joe Bayden.

the Paris Agreement adopted at the UN Climate Changes in the Climate Change on December 12, 2015 in the capital of France Paris, in order to reduce the consequences of the climatic crisis, entered into force on November 4, 2016.

countries that signed the agreement strive to maintain an increase in the global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius compared to the period of pre -industrialization, if possible to limit it up to 1.5 degrees Celsius and achieve a pure zero of emissions to the second half of the century.