China goes to demographic crisis

The PRC population will begin to contract by 2025 due to a decrease in population growth, Global Times reports with reference to a senior health official.

The birth rate published last week showed that the number of newborns in 2021 was the lowest in the last decades in several provinces.

According to Global Times, less than 500,000 children were born in the central province of Hunan for the first time in almost 60 years. In other provinces, a similar situation. And only in the Southern Chinese province of Guangdun, more than one million newborns are registered.

The Chinese Republic has been trying to turn back the rapid reduction of natural population growth for many years. Many young people prefer not to have children. Some consider children a luxury because their upbringing is too expensive.

The change in Chinese legislation, allowing women to have three children, did not help. Women say that this change occurred too late, they do not have enough guarantees of employment and gender equality.

Jan Wenchuana, Head of the Population and Family Affairs of the National Health Commission believes that the population of China will begin to decline in 2021-2025.