Chisinau is ready to contribute to regional world and security – Foreign Minister

Chisinau is ready to contribute to the regional and global world and safety, including through participation in peacekeeping missions and missions for the provision of humanitarian aid. This was said by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova Nick Popescu during a meeting with Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mirchei Joan in Brussels.

According to the Moldavian Minister, this goal is best served by an expanded and deep partnership with NATO, “associated and synchronized with the course for joining the European Union.”

As the Agency “Moldipers” notes, the meeting discussed the issues of regional security “in the context of an unjustified war that the Russian Federation wages against Ukraine.”

“I take the opportunity to once again declare the firm support of the Moldova Territorial integrity of Ukraine and the need to strengthen security in Europe. Chisinau decisively condemns the destruction of the dam at the Kakhovsky hydroelectric power station, which threatens the life of thousands of civilians. Our country is ready to offer any necessary support Those who suffered as a result of this barbaric attack, ”Popescu said.

At the same time, he called NATO “a space that has been providing peace, stability and democracy for more than 70 years.”