Collegium warned lawyers

The Bar Association is a completely independent institution, interference in its activities in one way or another is not allowed, according to the received reporting the Presidium of the Bar Association.

The message notes that the arrest of lawyer Elchin Sadygov is not connected with his professional human rights activities.

“The collegium decisively condemns the manipulation of this issue with politicized persons who serve the interests that do not meet the common interests of the advocacy, the organization of campaigns against the legitimate interests of the advocacy. Such manipulations cause damage to the Independent Bar to the Institute,” the Bar Association said.

The Bar Association calls for lawyers to be careful, not to declare and publish one or another inaccurate information, not to create a false presentation of the lawyer in the company.

Presidium notes that the issue of arrest of lawyer Elchin Sadygov is in the center of his attention, and asks to contact questions directly to the apparatus of the Presidium.