Constitutional Court Of Azerbaijan Approved Results Of Parliamentary Elections

The Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan approved the results of extraordinary elections to Milli Majlis held on September 1.

At a meeting of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court, the protocol of the Central Election Commission on the general results of the elections was considered.

After the meeting, the chairman of the Constitutional Court Farhad Abdullaev announced the decision of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court. According to the decision, the Constitutional Court approved the results of elections to Milli Majlis.

In Azerbaijan, on September 1, elections to the Milli Majlis of the Seventh convocation were held. 990 candidates claimed 125 seats in parliament.

In the elections, the ruling party “New Azerbaijan”, led by President Ilham Aliyev, received 68 seats in Milli Majlis.

44 independent candidate were also elected to the parliament. The party of civil solidarity was received by 3 places in the legislative body, the party of justice, rights, democracy – 2, the Great Azerbaijan party, the Party of Democratic Reforms, the Party of the Great Creation, the Party of the Republican Alternative, the Ana Veten Party, the National Party of National Independence of Azerbaijan, Party “Popular Front” and “Party of Democratic Education of Azerbaijan” received one place in parliament.