Corey Epidemic Claimed Lives Of Ten Children In Capital Of Nigeria

In the capital of Nigeria, the city of Abuja, the Epidemic Kory claimed the lives of ten children.

As the Nigerian Information Agency (NAN) reports, the flash of measles was recorded in the metropolitan district of Damangaz.

The head of the Damanchaza administration, James Budebo pointed out the importance of vaccination in measles prevention and complications after infection with this dangerous disease. Therefore, to protect society, widespread vaccination is needed, he said.

Last year in Nigeria, Korus took the lives of at least 190 people in the camps of displaced persons.

measles (lat. Morbilli) is an acute infectious viral disease with a very high level of contagiousness, the causative agent of which is the measles virus. An infectious disease is transmitted from person to air by air and often leads to complications.

is manifested by a rash, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cough, high temperature and weakness. The disease can proceed easily and with the subsequent formation of life immunity, or can lead to serious, sometimes long -term, health problems or even death.