In China, over the past day, 32,943 new cases of infection with coronavirus have identified, this is a new maximum from the beginning of the pandemic. This is evidenced by the updated data of the State Committee on Hygiene and Healthcare of the PRC. The growth day for the day was 4%.
90.5%, or 29,840 new cases of infection Covid-19 were asymptomatic. The last anti -record was recorded on November 24. Then in the country 31,656 infected were revealed. Before that, the maximum was recorded on April 14 – 29,411 cases.
The growth of the number of cases began in the PRC since the beginning of November. Their larger number is in the southern province of Guangdun (38%). Following it is Beijing (10%), the central province of Henan and the city of central subordination of Chunzin (9%). Against the backdrop of the growth of incidence, the Locksuns were returned in some cities and areas.