Council of Council of Russian Federation accepted an application for suspension of participation of delegation of Russian Federation in OSCE PA

The Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation unanimously adopted the statement of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the suspension of the participation of the Russian delegation in the parliamentary assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

“It is necessary to state that under the current conditions the possibilities to continue the constructive dialogue in the OSCE PA are completely exhausted. In this regard, the Senators of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma consider it justified and logical to suspend the participation of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the OSCE PA, as well as the payment of contributions The Russian Federation to the budget PA OSCE, ”the document says.

At the same time, Russian parliamentarians indicated that “the Senators of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma declare their readiness to return to work in the OSCE PA, subject to its leadership and a number of member states of Russophobic and discriminatory approaches to solving pressing problems of European security, as well as express The hope that the sane forces in the Assembly will show the necessary will to resolve the political and ideological crisis in the space of the organization on security and cooperation in Europe in the interests of peace and stability on the continent. “

“biased discriminatory approaches, double standards and total Russophobia, unpreparedness to subject discussion, including on topical issues of ensuring equal and indivisible security, indicate extreme degradation of the OSCE as a mechanism of inter -parliamentary interaction,” Russian parliamentarians noted.

Parliamentarians also drew attention to the fact that the Russian delegation in the OSCE PA “under far -fetched pretexts, has repeatedly lost the opportunity to continue the dialogue, a full and equal participation in the work of plenary meetings and governing bodies of the OSCE.”

“The last point in the emerging dead end situation was the demonstrative refusal of Romania to issue visas to the members of the Russian delegation to participate in the annual session of the OSCE in Bucharest in 2024,” the parliamentarians concluded.