Court did not take pity on Bayramov brothers, who killed and burned Adam Abdullayev

The Baku Court of Appeal considered the appeal against the verdict in the case of Khayal and Tugai Bayramovs accused of murder and robbery. According to the court’s decision, the appeal was dismissed, and the conviction of the accused was upheld.

Recall that the Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced Tugai Bayramov to 19 years, and Khayal Bayramov to 18 years in prison.

The incident took place on November 23, 2019 in the Narimanov district of Baku. Residents of Ganja Tugay Bayramov 1986, and Khayal Bayramov born in 1991, brutally killed 56-year-old resident of Nakhchivan, Adam Abdullayev.

The brothers, who had prepared in advance for committing a crime, armed themselves with a kitchen knife and a piece of iron pipe to carry out their intentions. Waiting for Adam Abdullayev on Jeyhun Hajibeyli Street 9, they stunned him with a blunt object blow to the head, and then stabbed him several times in different parts of his body, after which they took away his mobile phone, wallet with 1,000 manats and a bank card. Having delivered the body of Abdullaev to an empty place on 1 Nureddin Suleimanov Street, Narimanov District, they finished off with two blows, and then doused him with flammable liquid and burned him to hide the traces of the crime.

The defendant Tugay Abbasov stated in his testimony that Adam insulted him during a quarrel between them a few days before the incident. He told his brother Khayal that there is a man who insulted their father and he should be punished for this.

The court found Tugai Bayramov and Khayal Bayramov guilty under Articles 120.2.1, 120 2.4 of the Criminal Code (premeditated murder with special cruelty and robbery, committed by a group of persons with prior conspiracy) and 181.3.3 (robbery, causing grievous bodily harm to the victim ).