Court will decide fate of killer of cousin

A preliminary investigation was completed in the case of 24-year-old Piri Piriev, a resident of the Shamkirsky district accused of killing a cousin. The materials of the criminal case were sent for consideration by the Ganja Court for serious crimes.

According to, the criminal case is conducted by Judge Elmin Rustamov. The preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 30.

The murder occurred on the morning of February 27 of this year in the village of Irmashls of the Shamkirsky district. Piriev killed his cousin, Aitaj Piriev. According to preliminary information, the murder occurred on the basis of jealousy. So, Aitaj, previously married, attended computer courses. Seeing the photos of a girl with classmates, Piri put her in the car, drove her to the outskirts of the village and killed, cutting her throat. After he went to the police. The murdered has a little son.