Cruise passenger flow in Turkey in first quarter exceeded 61 thousand

In January -March, the number of passengers of cruise ships, including those arriving in Turkey following from Turkey to other countries and transit passengers, increased by 79.15 percent compared to the same period last year – up to 61 thousand people.

Such data Agency “Anadolu” cites with reference to the Main Directorate of Marine Affairs of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey.

In the first quarter of 2023, 42 cruise airliners moored to the cruise ports of Turkey. For the same period of the current year, their number was 50

If in January last year 12 entered the Turkish ports, in February – 2 and in March – 28 cruise liners, then in the same months of this year this number was 18, 5 and 27, respectively.

on cruise ships in Turkey in January last year, 753 arrived, in March – 627 passengers. In January of this year, 893 arrived in Turkey on cruise liners, in February 16 and March – 2042 passengers.

In the first quarter of last year, 1,600 people went to other countries on cruise liners.

In the first quarter of this year, 3,308 passengers served from Turkey to other countries on cruise liners (908- in January, 17- in February and 2,383 in March).

If in the first 3 months of 2023 Turkey preferred 31 thousand 132 transit cruise passengers, then over the same period of this year, their number increased by 76.19 percent – up to 54,854.

The most passengers accepted the port of Kusadasi

During the indicated period, the most cruise ships and passengers accepted Kushadasy. In the first three months, the port served 26 cruise liners and 35,885 passengers.

The port of Galata in Istanbul for the same period accepted 8 ships and 9,821 passengers. Four vessels with 3,905 passengers at the port in the city of Samsun. Three cruise airliners in January-March took ports in Trabzon, Chanakkale and AMAMAR. The indicated Turkish provinces visited 2 957, 2 678 and 3044 passengers of cruise liner, respectively.

To the port in Antalya, for the specified period, one liner with 282 passengers on board moored, and Izmir – one with 2,533 passengers.

The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey Abdulkadir Uralogla said that Türkiye has become a center of cruise tourism thanks to investments.

He attracted attention to the fact that the number of passengers who arrived in the country on cruise liners last year exceeded 1 million 500 thousand people.

According to him, perennial investments contributed to the development of cruise tourism in Turkey, according to the results of the year, a record passenger traffic is expected.