Dangerous consequence of COVID-19 is described in asymptomatic patients

People who suffered COVID-19 in a light form or asymptomatic, still may face such a consequence of health infection, like neuropathology, and in some cases the disease of the nervous system can be dangerous. About this in an interview with Lente.ru, Professor of the School Biology School Biology University of George Mason Ancha Baranova.

“This does not mean that everyone who suffered Cakes may come some noticeable to the naked eye of the consequences,” she said. “However, you need to carefully observe yourself and constantly make sure that the pathological processes do not have. This tactic. From the series “Warned – it means armed”. “

Baranova explained that she makes his conclusions on the basis of an article by scientists from the Netherlands, which were infected with a coronavirus of two different species and noticed that two of the four monkeys of one species after recovery was observed in the pituitary. In this case, all the monkeys hurt in a light form. After 35 days, they were killed and investigated their brain – signs of neuro-visibility were found in the brain of almost all animals, although these changes were not noticeable.

It turned out that of the eight monkeys did not suffer from one brain, “the biologist notes.” After the suffered disease, the behavior of animals did not differ from normal: they had a normal appetite, no visual reflexes caused anything else anxiety. Problems in the brain showed only an autopsy. “