Deputy: action on Lachin road should be unlimited

Protest on the Lachinsky road should continue until the Russian peacekeepers ensure all the requirements of the agreement concluded on November 10, 2022 between Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia, deputy Makhir Abbaszade said at the Cross -Hall of Milli Millis.

“Russian peacekeepers do not fulfill the terms of the tripartite agreement of November 10, 2022. So, in contrary to the 4th clause of the contract from the MS liability zone, the Armenian armed groups have not been withdrawn, military provocations and military provocations continue to violations of the 6th point on the Lachinsky road. The illegal economic use of this communication, in violation of the 9th point, did not open communications for Azerbaijan. At the same time, the pirate production of the natural resources of Azerbaijan continues on the territory of Armenians in Karabakh, the export of our national wealth through the Lachinsky road to Armenia and at the same time our ecology is made a huge environmental Damage. At the same time, from the wilting of Azerbaijani resources received by the plunder of Azerbaijani resources, a military junta is funded in Hankendi. All this happens before the eyes of Russian peacekeepers. The fact that peacekeepers did not provide the possibility of Azerbaijani ecologists of monitoring indicates that MS are not able to swim up by her mission. In this regard, for 9 days the Azerbaijani public has been holding a rally on the Lachin road. I think that this picket should be continued until the Russian peacekeepers fully fulfill our fair requirements until Azerbaijan’s legal rights over their natural wealth are provided and all economic criminal activity against Azerbaijan is stopped, ”he said.