Deputy Fazil Mustafa meets Journalists-Markobes: “Who said that in Shusha or Lachin you can not drink vodka?”

“The most strange logic of judgments only with us, in Azerbaijan. And in recent days in several estimates, the most erroneous position occupy mediocre journalists engaged in the obscurity of obscurantic in the social network, which has a habit of accuse, not reading the text of the information,” writes in The deputy Milli Majlis Fazil Mustafa, expressing his attitude towards “sensational investigations” of the Yellow Media, accused of Milli Majlis deputies from the Lachir district of Mahir Abbasad and the press secretary of the State Committee for Refugees of Ibrahim Mirzoyeva and other officials to participate in the Spring Lachinsky district. Some journalists and hosters in social networks regarded the actions of officials as disrespect of the memory of shekhid.

Deputy calls the actions of journalists – Frankly obscure: “Look carefully, alleged deputies and a government official, first in the spring, called in honor of the shehrid, cooled vodka, and then cut it. The first step in the direction of disrespect for the shekhid name is precisely the distribution of such news. . Anyone who knows me, knows my negative attitude to alcohol. However, from published photos it is unclear whether the very fact of cooling and drinking vodka.

maybe, but the one who spreads this news should present convincing evidence. This is what concerns the actual side of the question. From the legal point of view, is there a ban on drinking alcohol when visiting the liberated territories?

Shusha is a city freed by the price of the blood of our shekhid. Before some of the guests, the other day we visited there were beer or other alcoholic beverages. It was seen from published photos. And someone performed a festive namaz in the mosque. In this case, would you write that in the city freed by the blood of the shekhid, such did they cut alcohol? What is this logic, what is due, for cheap manipulation of shehids?

And what would you say if a believer washed her legs, making a wash in the spring named after Shereid? What could be better than such a header for an ignorant person, obscurantic: “Such an official washed his legs, performing a wash in the spring named after Shereid.”

Thus, in such a form, our mediocre journalism implements one of the methods of turning a deputy or an official in the target for irresponsible people. “