The police detained the former Channel One editor Marina Ovsyannikov, this was reported in her Telegram channel. On July 15, the journalist went to a single picket on the Kremlin embankment, accusing the Russian authorities of the deaths of children in Ukraine.
“Marina is detained. Information about her location is unknown,” the former employee of “Channel One” said in the Telegram channel.
Judging by the photographs in the publication, Marina Ovsyannikov was detained in the Moscow Region while walking. Recently, a woman returned to Russia to participate in a trial with her husband.
On July 15, Ovsyannikova held an anti -war action, going out with a poster to the Kremlin embankment. “352 children died. How much more children should die so that you stop?” – It was written on the poster.
On July 13, the ex-editor of Channel One said that she had a new administrative case for discrediting the Russian army. What caused this is unknown to her. In May, the court was returned to the court against a journalist under a similar article.
Marina Ovsyannikova gained fame after March 15 came out with the anti -war poster on the live air of the Time program on the First Channel. Then she was assigned a fine of 30 thousand rubles. in an administrative case of violation of the procedure for holding a rally. Ovsyannikova later left Russia and worked in foreign media.