Director of Center for Hygiene and Deputy Challenge Salyana was defeated

The General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General completed the investigation of the illegal actions of the Director of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Salian district of Intigam Abyshov. As noted by “Turan” in this story, the fact that the defendants of the initiated criminal case were not other officials of the district who had financial relations with those face with whom I. Abyshov had illegal ties.

According to the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office, it was revealed that the Initigam Abyshov together with the chief accountant of the center of Lalo Bakhishova seized salary cards of non-working employees. In addition, on the basis of fictitious documents, cash was transferred to the accounts of the Mansimov Mansyimov led by Mansing. This way was assigned money in particularly large sizes. At the same time, the amount of assigned funds is not reported.

To compensate for damage caused by the case, the arrest is imposed on the property acquired by criminal, decorated in the name of the family member, the Prosecutor General’s Office is noted.

According to its own investigation of IA TURAN, Huseingul Khanali Oglu Mansimov held the position of deputy head of the executive authority – the head of the analysis and forecasting of the socio-economic development of the Salian district. In August and October 2018, he registered two companies in his apartment in Salian (LLC H-Məhəmməd and H-Araral LLC). In a single portal of state procurement, there are data on eight treaties with these companies. The companies became the winners of the competitive purchases of the IV Saliansky district, the representative office of the city of Salian, the management of young people and the sport of the district, the Salian Regional Agrochemical Laboratory. The geography of contracts is distributed in Baku. Here the procureors of work on the current repairs are a children’s neurological hospital and a tuberculosis dispensary No. 1 of the city of Baku. In 2018-2021, the company of 67-Milense Huseingul Mansimov received a minor in the amount of corruption in the country in the country – 95.2 thousand manat.

In the portal of the Gosplain, there is no information about the procurement of the center of hygiene and epidemiology of the Salian district.