Discovery of American scientists: Pig organs revived an hour after death

Scientists “revived” the Pig organs an hour after her death. The discovery, which experts call breakthrough, can save a lot of human lives, as he will give doctors more time to transplant organs or return to the life of those who drowned, suffocated or suffered a heart attack. This was reported by the Russian service BBC.

The experiment was conducted by American researchers who were able to partially restore the functioning of the pig organs an hour after the hearts stopped in animals. This can fundamentally change medicine, scientists believe.

The object of the experiment has become about 100 pigs. Scientists plunged animals into a state of deep sleep, and then stopped their hearts. The experiment was tested for compliance with ethical standards in science – experimental pigs did not experience pain and suffering before death.

After an hour has passed since the death of the animals, they were connected to the system called Organx and for six hours it was poured into the blood to a restoring cocktail of various chemicals. The dose of anesthetic for pigs was calculated so that it acts throughout the experiment.

Six hours later, scientists opened the organs of pigs, such as the heart, liver and kidneys. The results of the autopsy showed that the organs restored some of their functions. So, electrical activity restored in the heart, and some cells of heart muscle tissue were able to contract. At the same time, the organs did not function in the same way as to death.

The Organex system was already used in an experiment on Pig’s brain in 2019. The system pumps synthetic blood into the dead body, which does not curl up and can pass through the destructive blood vessels for the delivery of oxygen through the body, and a cocktail of 13 compounds that interrupt chemical processes leading to the death of cells. This kind of dropper is also attached to a device that allows rhythmically pumping fluid throughout the body, simulating the contractions of a beating heart.

Researchers are convinced that the fact that the Pig organs were partially recovered an hour after the animal is killed is a breakthrough that can change medicine. This method is able to increase the number of organs available for transplantation and give doctors more time to save life.

Until now, it was believed that the death of cells is irreversible, but researchers from Yale University using Organex eliminated some damage to the cells of animal organs that were dead for an hour.