Dmitry Kuleba: Fair World In Ukraine Meets Strategic Interests Of China

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba is convinced that “a fair world in Ukraine is responsible for the strategic interests of China.

Kuleba voiced such an opinion at a meeting with the Foreign Minister of China Van and Guangzhou, the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reports.

The main topic of discussion was the search for ways to end the war in Ukraine and the possible role of China in achieving a sustainable and fair world.

“I am convinced that a fair world in Ukraine meets the strategic interests of China, and the role of China as a global power of the world is important. Russian aggression destroyed the world and slowed down the development, and each new day of the war entails new violations of humanity and subsequent erosion of justice. Therefore, it should be completed The war against Ukraine, restore the world and accelerate the restoration of our state, ”the press service quotes Kulebu.

The Foreign Minister informed a colleague about the results of the world summit in Switzerland and explained the logic of further steps to introduce the formula of the world as a path to the fair end of the war.

“Dmitry Kuleba proved the consistent position of Ukraine, which consists in the readiness to conduct a negotiation process with the Russian side at a certain stage, when Russia is ready to negotiate virtuously, but emphasized that there is no such readiness from the Russian side,” the Foreign Ministry emphasizes .

During negotiations, the parties also exchanged views on the current state and prospects for the development of bilateral relations, as well as an international agenda.

Kuleba recalled that recently Ukraine began negotiations on joining the European Union and this decision is irreversible. “I propose today to discuss our bilateral relations, in particular, through the prism of the future membership of Ukraine in the EU and the relations of China with Europe,” the head of Ukrainian diplomacy said.

“Russian aggression is not only on the way of the development of Ukraine. It also interferes with international stability, the development of good neighborly relations, and in particular the development of trade between China and Europe,” Kuleba emphasized.