Doctor explained headaches in spring

Headaches with the arrival of spring can occur for several reasons. They are in conversation with “Moscow 24” called the therapist of the highest category Lyudmila Lapa.

“Not so long ago, we began sunny days. Many of our patients complained about the spasms of vessels, on headaches, on migraine,” she explained.

According to her, first of all, the head begins to hurt due to the reaction of the body to change the seasons. This is expressed through the aggravation of chronic diseases, and migraines and headaches will signal about existing problems with vessels, including on vegetative dystonia (VDC).

Another reason for the exacerbation of diseases is a lack of vitamins B and D. because of this, the vessels weaken, spasm occurs. “This avitaminosis impairs the state of a person from VD,” the doctor added, advising the Russians to drink vitamins, follow the immunity and the state of the gastrointestinal tract.