Doctor said hidden symptoms of cardiovascular diseases

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Dmitry Nakalkov called three hidden symptoms, which should be paid attention to the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Interview with the doctor publishes radio “says Moscow.”

Among such symptoms, Nalkovkov noted an increase in blood pressure, a heart rate violation and a pre-corporate state. He paid special attention to the fact that it is necessary to measure blood pressure, even if a person does not feel bad.

“If a person sees that the pressure is raised, and it feels absolutely normal, this is a reason to appeal to the doctor,” the doctor noted.

He also advised to relate seriously to violations of the rhythm of the heart. According to the doctor, you do not need to think that it is supposed to “fly and pass”, but you need to contact a specialist and, if necessary, take drugs that dilute blood.

Nalkalkov also drew attention to pre-surfactant states and a sharp drop in blood pressure. According to him, pre-perspective condition may be an atypical manifestation of myocardial infarction and stroke.