Doctor said products that help you sleep

Nutritionist Sally Shi-Po Poon explains how to improve sleep with proper nutrition, according to Hong Kong version of Tatler magazine.

According to the expert, you shouldn’t eat a lot before bed. This is especially true for high-calorie or spicy foods. It is also better to refuse alcohol, coffee, tea and other drinks with caffeine. But you should not go to sleep on an empty stomach. Sally Shi-Po Poon recommends satisfying your evening hunger with fruit, low-fat yogurt or milk.

A dietitian claims that people fall asleep faster and sleep longer after eating foods that contain tryptophan, such as milk, turkey, chicken, fish, eggs, beans, peanuts, or cheese. To get your circadian rhythms in order, improve sleep quality, and stay alert when you wake up, you need melatonin-rich foods like eggs, fish, or nuts. Also, in order to get enough sleep, food with selenium is useful. This substance is found in meats, seafood, dairy products, nuts and grains.

Sally Shi-Po Poon advises to eat a couple of kiwi in the evenings. According to her, studies have shown that eating this fruit an hour before going to bed helps you fall asleep faster, sleep longer and wake up less often at night.