Doctor stated first sign leading to disability

visceral obesity can be the first sign of metabolic syndrome, which can lead to disability. An endocrinologist of the MSU Zuhra Pavlova clinic told about it in his Instagram-Account, writes “”

She noted that such obesity means that the fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen. In such cases, women have a waist amount exceed 80 centimeters, men – 94 centimeters.

In total, the metabolic syndrome seven symptoms, the diagnosis itself is set in the presence of obesity and any two other items. Among the other six: impairment of carbohydrate metabolism with elevated glucose levels, insulin resistance, violation of fat metabolism with elevated cholesterol, blood pressure above 130 per 80, elevated level of uric acid, violation of blood coagulation system.

Patients often underestimate the danger of this syndrome, although it can lead to sudden death, a second-type diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, indicated Pavlov. According to her, treatment problems are based on weight loss and admission of special drugs.