Doctor stated three dangerous consequences of antiseptics

Chief Physician Network Clinics “Dynasty”, Infectiousist Tatyana Challenko in a conversation with URA.Ru called three dangerous consequences of frequent use of antiseptics.

According to her, primarily the antiseptic disrupts the normal skin microflora. “This is nothing more than natural protection and, destroying it, we contribute to the development of some pathogenic flora,” the doctor said.

In addition, dry skin arises, and the stability of microorganisms to the antiseptices that are used are formed. Chalenko added that a lot of counterfeit antiseptics appeared on sale, which contain methyl alcohol, when inhaled which can be obtained toxic defeat.

Specialist advised to wash his hands with soap. According to her, antiseptics are a lot of medical organizations. “There is just another microflora and there still goes into the body, as an increased skin surface is required,” she concluded.