Doctors warn: Vaccinated can not be sunbathing

Italian doctors watching those who vaccinated from COVID-19 recently came to the conclusion that they need to be careful to sunbathing baths under a bright summer sky. In their opinion, the skin of these people may be weaker than the former and is susceptible to the dangerous effects of ultraviolet. On experts refer to its publication IL Messaggero.

Dermatologists believe that the state of the human skin that has moved coronavirus or vaccinated from this disease requires that it is to protect it from direct sun rays.

This year, which in Italy is called the year of vaccination, a campaign of skin cancer is carried out, it actively popularizes the Dermatological clinic IDI in Rome. As part of the campaign, information is also covered in connection with another non-defeated pandemic.

Experts say that people who have lost coronavirus, or past vaccinations, should wait a few weeks before getting to the beach and lie down under sunshine for sunburn. Moreover, it is necessary to do everything gradually, without understanding the creams from the tan, emphasize the doctors.

As the dermatologist Luka Fania noted, the contamination of the coronavirus can manifest itself on the skin – most often, in the form of a so-called uppivnica, rash, reminiscent of cortex or OSP, as well as a state, similar to signs of frostbite.

– Even after vaccination there may be signs of skin disease, “says Dr. Fania. Because this summer should become special for those who want to sunbathe, and the skin is as previously protected from the effects of sun rays.

As reported by, the resorts open in the European Union, passenger traffic is restored, it is tourism.

Because the so-called “green certificate” is introduced here, that is, a document that its owner has sled to coronavirus or vaccinated by two doses, or one, effective without repeat.

This document will help Europeans to travel without passing tests and the need to isolate on returning home. It was decided that it will be available, both in electronic and in paper form, and its action is designed for a period of 14 to 365 days from the date of receipt of the last dose of the vaccine.

Undoubtedly, the drop in the incidence rate of COVID-19 will instill hope for business recovery, lifting economy. Such signs of optimism are a noble factor not only in improving human well-being, but also in the pragmatic areas of its activities. And with a tan, you can wait.