Donald Tusk: Poland Supports Process Of Turkey Joining EU

Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk about the process of Turkey’s entry into the European Union (EU): “We hope that the process of joining Turkey into the European Union (EU) will become a realistic and tangible process. We always supported Turkey in this regard and we will support”.

Tusk spoke at a joint press conference organized after his meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the presidential complex in Ankara.

The prime minister began his speech with the wishes of a happy and favorable Ramazan and celebrated the anniversary of the adoption of the national anthem of Turkey.

He noted that the War of “Independence” that Türkiye and Poland waged in its history are of great importance. According to him, the basics of cooperation between two countries in areas such as defense and economics are very strong.

Speaking about the importance of trust between the two countries, Tusk noted that it is known that Türkiye and Poland “strive for a fair world” in Ukraine.

According to him, Ankara and Warsaw are glad that Ukraine and the USA are “satisfied” with the steps undertaken in Saudi Arabia.

Today’s meeting has become a turning point in cooperation between two very strong partners and is developing more and more.

He noted that the parties are ready to develop relations in the field of defense, and expressed hope for a meeting with President Erdogan in Warsaw.

– Poland supports Turkey on the issue of EU membership

Speaking about the process of Turkey’s entry into the European Union (EU), the Prime Minister said: “We hope that the process of Turkey join the European Union will be a realistic and tangible process. We always supported Turkey in this regard and will support it in the future.”

Further, he noted the efforts of the parties to increase the volume of trade to $ 15 billion.

Tusk emphasized that the restoration of Ukraine is one of the goals of Warsaw, these are new opportunities for both Polish and Turkish companies.

– the role of Turkey in the restoration and stabilization of Syria cannot be denied

He also expressed confidence that Poland and Türkiye will cooperate in the restoration of Syria: “Of course, the role of Turkey in the restoration and stabilization of Syria cannot be denied.”

Assessing the relationship between Poland and the USA as good, Tusk said that he hopes that these joint efforts will be recognized by many partner countries.

Tusk said that they also have the opportunity to participate in large projects, and they plan to work on the construction of a high -speed railway system. He noted that Türkiye is a fairly experienced country in this area, Warsaw intends to take advantage of Turkey’s experience.

He emphasized that today is a very valuable day in terms of the development of relations.