North Korea demanded to apologize, pay compensation and conduct an investigation in connection with the death of thousands of Koreans during the Tokyo bombardment by American troops on March 10, 1945.
According to the Central Telegraph Agency of North Korea (KCNA), a statement about the “Tokyo bombing” of 1945 was made by the North Korean Association created by Korean workers and members of their families, which were forced to work during the Japanese colonial rule on the Korean Peninsula.
The text noted that on March 10, 1945, the United States inflicted a massive Tokyo airline, during which 275 B-29 bombers dropped bombs on the city.
During the attack, the Japanese authorities held groups of Koreans in the camps, where they were abused, humiliation and forced labor in dangerous and difficult conditions. As a result, many Koreans could not be saved and died during the air raid, it follows from the message.
It is reported that out of 100 thousand killed as a result of an air raid, about 10 percent were Koreans.
The identities of the dead were not established, and the bodies were buried in different places without proper investigation. In addition, the association argues that later the remains of Koreans were used in “monstrous and unethical experiments.”
In this regard, North Korea demanded that Japan have official apologies for the relatives of the dead Koreans and pay them compensation.
The Korean side also demanded a full investigation to identify the remains of the victims, and later publicize the results.
“Even after death, the Koreans could not return to their homeland, where relatives were waiting for them. Their tragic fate became the direct consequence of the Japanese colonial government and the forced export of the Koreans,” the statement said.