DPRK Experienced Strategic Winged Missile

The missile department of the Korean People’s Democratic Republic on January 25 conducted a test launch of a strategic winged controlled rocket of the Sea – Earth class. This was reported by the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (CST).

It is noted that the testing launch was led by the DPRK leader Kim Jong -un.

According to the TST, shells precisely struck the goals, flying along the elliptical and “eight -like” orbits with a length of 1,500 km.

“The test launches of weapons systems are part of the plans to build up the national defense potential in order to increase the effectiveness of strategic control over potential opponents in accordance with changing security circumstances in the region,” the message says.

The statement emphasizes that the test did not have a negative impact on the safety of neighboring countries.

According to the agency, Kim Jong -un confirmed that the DPRK will always make efforts responsible for fulfilling its important mission to protect the stable, durable world and stability based on more developed military power “

South Korean military also confirmed the fact of the missile test. According to them, the DPRK launched several cruise missiles towards the yellow sea.